the Architects
Mariam Issoufou
Mariam Issoufou Architects, Niger
Anne Lacaton and Jean Philippe Vassal
Lacaton & Vassal, France
Mauricio Rocha
Taller de Arquitectura, Mexico
Marina Tabassum
MTA, Bangladesh
Jan de Vylder and Inge Vinck
A JDVIV, Belgium

Solano Benitez
Gabinete de Arquitectura, Paraguay
Francis Kéré
Kéré Architecture, Burkina Faso / Germany
Marta Maccaglia
Semillas, Peru
Shigeru Ban
Voluntary Architect’s Network, Japan
Marta Peris and Jose Toral
Peris + Toral Architects, Spain
Architects across developed and underdeveloped regions confront distinct challenges. The former wrestle with commercial pressures and strict regulations, while the latter contend with resource scarcity and inadequate infrastructure. And everywhere confronting the escalating impact of extreme weather conditions. Our featured architects embrace lateral thinking and participatory methods, leading to the creation of sustainable, affordable architecture that contributes to societal betterment. Their shared values prioritise context over concept, fostering flexible, people-centred architecture that harmonises with its surroundings.
These architects embody this ethos, seamlessly blending social, collective and poetic elements within their designs. Their work emphasises the interconnectedness of users, buildings, cities and nature, remaining adaptable to change while empowering occupants' creative freedom. Notably, sustainability isn't a mere goal or regulatory response—it's a natural consequence of their design philosophy.